Symbolic Ink

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning & Symbolism (Christianity)


The three cross tattoo is a popular Christian symbol that represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The first cross is often meant to represent Jesus himself, while the other two are typically meant to represent the two thieves who were also crucified with him.

The three cross tattoo can also be seen as a symbol of the Trinity, as the three crosses represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Many people choose to get a 3 cross tattoo as a way to show their faith, and it can also be seen as a reminder of the sacrifices that Jesus made for humanity.

For some, the 3 cross tattoo is also a reminder that there is always hope, even in the darkest of times. No matter what the meaning is behind it, the three cross tattoo is a beautiful and powerful symbol that has inspired many people for centuries.

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

3 Cross Tattoo Meanings

1. Christianity

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

The three cross tattoo is a very popular tattoo design, particularly among Christians. There are a number of reasons why this tattoo has become so associated with Christianity.

Firstly, the number three is significant in Christianity, symbolizing the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Additionally, the shape of the cross is also important, as it represents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

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In many ways, then, the three cross tattoo functions as a reminder of the central teachings of Christianity. It is also worth noting that this tattoo can be seen as a statement of faith, serving as a visible declaration of one’s beliefs. In a world where Christianity is often under attack, many believers see the three cross tattoo as a way to show their commitment to their religion.

Ultimately, then, there are a number of reasons why this tattoo has become such a powerful symbol of Christianity.

2. Faith

A 3 cross tattoo is a Christian symbol that has been used for centuries to represent faith in Jesus Christ.

The three cross tattoo is a variation of this popular design that includes three crosses instead of one. While the meaning of the three cross tattoo varies depending on the person who wears it, it typically symbolizes the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It can also represent the three nails that were used to crucify Jesus or the three days that he spent in the tomb before being resurrected.

No matter what its specific meaning is to an individual, the three cross tattoo is a powerful reminder of the importance of faith.

3. Trinity

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

The three cross tattoo is a very popular Christian symbol that is used to represent the Holy Trinity.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are depicted as three equal crosses. This tattoo can be seen as a way of expressing one’s faith in the Holy Trinity. It can also be seen as a symbol of the threefold nature of God.

The three cross tattoo can also be seen as a reminder of the sacrifices that were made by Jesus Christ on the cross. This tattoo is a powerful reminder of the love and sacrifice that God has for us.

It is also a reminder that we are never alone because God is always with us.

4. Father, Son, Holy Spirit

For Christians, the 3 cross tattoo is a powerful symbol of faith, and a tattoo featuring three crosses can represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Father is the creator of all things, the Son is our savior, and the Holy Spirit is the giver of life. Together, they form the Holy Trinity, and a tattoo with three crosses can be seen as a reminder of God’s presence in our lives.

In addition to its religious meaning, a three cross tattoo can also represent the three stages of human life: birth, death, and resurrection. As such, it can be seen as a reminder that we are never alone and that our journey through life is ultimately guided by God.

Whether you choose to get a tattoo for its religious or personal meaning, a three cross tattoo is a beautiful and powerful way to express your faith.

5. Past, Present, Future

A three cross tattoo is a popular design that has a deeper meaning than just a pretty image. This tattoo signification “Past, Present, Future”.

The three crosses represent different timeframes in a person’s life. The first cross, on the left side, symbolizes the person’s past. It is where they have come from and what has shaped them into the person they are today. The second cross, in the middle, represents the present.

This is where the person is at in their life right now and what they are doing with their time. The last cross, on the right side, signifies the future. This is what the person hopes to achieve in their life and what they are working towards. By having this tattoo, the person is reminded of where they have been, where they are now, and where they want to be in the future.

It can be a motivator to stay on track and achieve their goals. It also serves as a reminder that time passes quickly and to make the most of every moment.

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

6. Love, Hope, Charity

A 3 cross tattoo is a symbol of love, hope, and charity.

The three crosses represent the three most important things in life. Love is the most important because it is the foundation of all relationships. Hope is important because it gives us the strength to keep going when things are tough.

Charity is important because it helps us to give back to those who are less fortunate. Together, these three things make up the core of what it means to be human.

A 3 cross tattoo reminds us of the importance of these things in our lives and helps us to live each day with a little bit more love, hope, and charity.

7. Body, Mind, Spirit

The three cross tattoo is a popular religious tattoo that symbolizes the Christian belief in the Holy Trinity, which is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three crosses can also represent the human body, mind, and spirit.

In this context, the tattoo can be seen as a reminder to keep all three aspects of oneself in balance. The body, mind, and spirit are often in conflict with one another, but tattooing this symbol onto one’s body can serve as a reminder to stay mindful of the importance of keeping all three in harmony.

This tattoo can also be interpreted more broadly as a symbol of balance and harmony in general.

No matter what your personal beliefs may be, the three cross tattoo can be a powerful reminder to stay connected to your body, mind, and spirit.

8. Creation, Redemption, Sanctification

The 3 cross tattoo can also represent the three core Christian teachings of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification.

Creation refers to God’s act of bringing the world into existence. Redemption refers to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, which is redemption from sin and death.

Sanctification is the process by which a person is made holy through Christ’s saving grace.

When all three of these concepts are combined, they create a powerful symbol of faith that can serve as a reminder of God’s love and grace.

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

9. Power, Wisdom, Honor

The 3 cross tattoo is one of the most popular designs, and it represents three important virtues: power, wisdom, and honor.

The three crossed lines represent the strength and power of the wearer, while the circle around them symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. The three colors represent different aspects of the wearer’s personality: blue for peace and serenity, green for growth and new beginnings, and red for courage and passion.

Together, these symbols create a powerful image that represents the best of what we aspire to be.

When you see someone with a three cross tattoo, you know that they are a person of strength, wisdom, and honor.

10. Kingdom, Power, Glory

For Christians, the 3 cross tattoo is a powerful symbol of their faith. The three crosses represent the Kingdom of God, the Power of Christ, and the Glory of the Holy Spirit.

This tattoo serves as a reminder that, no matter what life throws our way, we are never alone; God is always with us. For some people, the 3 cross tattoo is also a reminder of the sacrifice that Jesus made for our sins.

It is a constant reminder that we are forgiven and loved unconditionally. No matter what our past may be, we can always start anew with Christ.

The 3 cross tattoo is a beautiful and powerful symbol of Kingdom, Power, and Glory.

3 Cross Tattoo Meaning

3 Cross Tattoo Symbolism

Cross tattoos are some of the most popular designs chosen by both men and women. There are many different interpretations of the cross, and each one can be represented in a tattoo design.

The most common meaning of the cross is that it is a symbol of Christianity and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. However, the cross can also represent other concepts such as hope, faith, love, and strength.

In some cases, people get cross tattoos as a way to memorialize a loved one who has passed away. No matter what the meaning is behind a cross tattoo, it is always a powerful and personal symbol.


The three cross tattoo is one of the most popular and widely recognized Christian symbols in the world. There are many theories about its origins, but the most common explanation is that it represents the Holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three crosses also symbolize the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the two thieves who were crucified with him.

Despite its popularity, the meaning of the three cross tattoo is often misunderstood. Some people believe that it is a symbol of hate or bigotry, but in reality, it is a symbol of love and forgiveness. The three cross tattoo reminds us that even in the darkest moments, hope and salvation are always available through Christ.

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