Symbolic Ink

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning & Symbolism (Grief)


In most cases, fallen angel tattoos represent a person’s battle with addiction or demons and their eventual triumph over them. The fallen angel symbolizes the struggles we all face in life, and the tattoo serves as a reminder that we can overcome anything if we set our minds to it.

While the meaning of fallen angel tattoos can vary depending on the individual, they are often seen as a symbol of strength and perseverance.

If you are considering getting a fallen angel tattoo, take the time to research its meaning and symbolism to ensure it is the right design for you.

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meanings

1. Loss

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for people who have experienced loss, as the image symbolizes both sorrow and hope.

The fallen angel tattoo represents the person who has fallen from grace, whether due to their own actions or due to the actions of others. The wings represent the hope of redemption and the possibility of rebirth.

For many people, a fallen angel tattoo is a reminder that even though they may have experienced great loss, they still have the potential for growth and change.

The tattoo can also be a tribute to someone who has passed away, serving as a reminder that they are always with us in spirit. Whatever the meaning, a fallen angel tattoo is sure to be a beautiful and powerful way to commemorate a loss.

2. Grief

A fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for those who have experienced loss, as the image of an angel tumbling from the heavens can symbolize the feeling of grief.

The image of a fallen angel also represents the idea of redemption, as even after making a mistake, one can still rise up again. For many people, a fallen angel tattoo is a reminder that despite the darkness they may feel, they are still capable of finding hope and beauty in the world.

The tattoo can also serve as a reminder to be grateful for what they have, even in the midst of grief.

Whatever the meaning behind it, a fallen angel tattoo is a beautiful and powerful way to honor a loved one who has passed away.

3. Mourning

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A tattoo of a fallen angel can symbolize many things, but one of the most common reasons why people choose this tattoo is to memorialize a lost loved one.

The image of an angel falling from the heavens is often used to represent the death of an innocent person, and the black wings of the tattoo can represent the darkness that follows a loss.

The tattoo can also be a reminder to never take life for granted and to always cherish the time we have with our loved ones.

For many people, a fallen angel tattoo is a way to keep their loved ones close to their hearts, and it can also serve as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always hope.

4. Betrayal

There are a few different interpretations of what a fallen angel tattoo may symbolize. One common interpretation is that it represents betrayal.

This can be interpreted in a number of ways, such as feeling betrayed by God or by others. A fallen angel tattoo may also symbolize a person who has fallen from grace, either through their own actions or because of the actions of others.

Additionally, some people believe that a fallen angel tattoo represents a dark period in their life from which they have emerged victorious.

No matter what it symbolizes for each individual, a fallen angel tattoo is often seen as a sign of strength and resilience.

5. Anger

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for people who want to express their anger and frustration with the world.

The image of an angel falling from heaven is a powerful symbol of defiance and rebellion, and it often speaks to the wearer’s feeling of being misunderstood or unfairly treated.

In some cases, the tattoo can also represent a decision to turn away from a life of crime or violence. Whatever the reasons for choosing this type of tattoo, it is important to understand that it will be a permanent reminder of your anger and frustration.

If you are not prepared to deal with these emotions in a healthy way, you may want to consider another tattoo design.

6. Despair

A fallen angel tattoo can symbolize a number of different things, but one of the most common interpretations is despair.

Fallen angel’s tattoos are often associated with feelings of sadness, loss, and loneliness, and their images can serve as a reminder that even the strongest among us can fall.

For some people, a fallen angel tattoo is a way to memorialize a loved one who has passed away. Others may use the tattoo as a reminder to stay strong in the face of adversity.

No matter what the specific meaning is for each individual, fallen angel tattoos are often seen as a symbol of hope in the midst of despair.

7. Loneliness

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A fallen angel tattoo symbolizes loneliness because the Fallen are exiled from heaven and banished from the company of other angels.

They are often seen as outcasts, castaways, or loners. The fallen angel tattoo represents the wearer’s unique status as someone who has been cast out and is now alone.

This tattoo can also represent the wearer’s struggle to find their place in the world or their search for acceptance and belonging. In some cases, the fallen angel tattoo may also represent a rebellion against authority or rejection of traditional values.

Whatever its meaning, the fallen angel tattoo is a powerful symbol of isolation and loneliness.

8. Rejection

A fallen angel tattoo typically symbolizes rejection, whether it be from God, society, or oneself.

For some people, the act of getting a fallen angel tattoo is a way of reclaiming their body after feeling like they have been cast out. For others, it is a reminder that they are not perfect and that they need to work hard to get back up after falling down.

Whatever the meaning may be, fallen angel tattoos are often seen as a way of owning one’s mistakes and flaws. In a world that often puts pressure on people to be perfect, having a reminder that we are all human can be empowering.

So, if you’re looking for a tattoo that is both beautiful and meaningful, consider a fallen angel tattoo.

9. Abandonment

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A fallen angel tattoo often symbolizes abandonment.

This could be due to the angel being cast out of heaven, or it could represent someone who has been rejected or left behind. The tattoo may also represent a struggle with addiction or mental illness, as well as a sense of hopelessness or despair.

For many people, a fallen angel tattoo is a way to express their own inner demons, and it can be a powerful reminder that they are not alone.

Fallen angel tattoos can also be a beautiful way to honor a lost loved one, and they can serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope.

10. Guilt

A fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for those who want to convey a sense of guilt or regret.

The image of an angel who has been cast out of heaven is a powerful symbol of someone who has made a mistake or done something wrong.

For many people, a fallen angel tattoo is a way to remember a personal tragedy or to honor the memory of someone who has passed away.

It can also be seen as a sign of hope, in that the wearer is hoping to redeem themselves in the eyes of others. Whatever the reason, a fallen angel tattoo is sure to make a bold statement.

11. Addiction

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

A fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for those struggling with addiction.

The tattoo symbolizes the idea of fallen angels, which are beings that were once close to God but have since been cast out. For many people struggling with addiction, the tattoo serves as a reminder of how far they have fallen and how much they need to fight to get back to where they once were.

The tattoo can also be seen as a symbol of hope, as it represents the idea that even those who have fallen can rise up again.

For many people in recovery, the fallen angel tattoo is a powerful reminder of their journey and their determination to overcome addiction.

Fallen Angel Tattoo Symbolism

Fallen Angel Tattoo Meaning

There are many different interpretations of the fallen angel tattoo, but the most common is that it represents a rebel spirit.

The image of an angel with broken wings can symbolize a number of different things, including a fall from grace, a period of darkness or despair, or a battle against addiction.

For some people, the tattoo is a reminder that they have overcome difficulties in their past, while for others it is a sign of defiance against authority.

Regardless of the specific meaning, the fallen angel tattoo is often seen as a symbol of strength and resilience.

Fallen Angel Tattoo Design for Men And Women

Here is some Fallen Angel Tattoo designs for men and women.


The fallen angel tattoo is a popular choice for those who want a tattoo with deep meaning. The tattoo can symbolize a number of different things, including abandonment, guilt, addiction, and defiance. For many people, the tattoo is a reminder of their own inner strength and resilience. No matter what the specific meaning may be, the fallen angel tattoo is sure to make a bold statement.

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