Symbolic Ink

555 Tattoo Meaning & Symbolism (Change)


555 tattoo is often seen as a symbol of good fortune and is often used in tattoos to represent good luck, change, new beginnings, and major life change, continue reading for a full list of meanings.

555 is a symbolic number that has a variety of meanings. In the Western world, 555 is often associated with death and taxes. However, in Eastern cultures, 555 is considered to be a lucky number. 555 also has a spiritual meaning and is associated with the five elements of nature: earth, fire, water, wind, and void.

In Taoism, these five elements are said to be in constant interaction with each other, and they are seen as the basic building blocks of all things. As such, 555 can be seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. There are many other interpretations of 555, but these are some of the most common.

Regardless of its meaning, 555 is a powerful symbol that can have a deep personal significance for those who choose to wear it.

555 Tattoo meaning

555 Tattoo Meaning

1. Change

A 555 tattoo is a popular choice for people who wants to show change.

The number 5 is associated with change, new beginnings, and growth, making it an ideal choice for those who are starting a new chapter in their lives. The tattoo can also represent the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit), which are believed to be essential for balance and harmony.

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In addition, the number 555 has a special meaning in many cultures and religions. For example, in Buddhism, it is known as the ” tri-Ratna,” or “three jewels,” which represent the Buddha (the teacher), the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community).

In Hinduism, the number 5 is associated with the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, and space), which are believed to be the building blocks of all creation. Whatever the symbolism may be, a 555 tattoo is a powerful reminder that change is always possible.

2. New Beginnings

For some, a 555 tattoo symbolizes new beginnings.

For many people, a tattoo is more than just a piece of art – it’s a way to express their identity and mark significant moments in their lives. This numeric code has a long history of meaning “change” or “transformation,” making it an ideal choice for those who are starting a new chapter in their lives.

In recent years, the 555 tattoos have become increasingly popular, with both celebrities and everyday people choosing to ink this symbolic design. Whether you’re getting your first tattoo or adding to an existing collection, a 555 tattoo is a beautiful and meaningful way to represent a fresh start.

555 Tattoo meaning

3. Message from The Angels

The 555 tattoo is a popular symbol that is often used to portray a message received from the angels.

This tattoo can be seen as a reminder that the wearer is never alone and that they always have guidance from above. The number 5 is also a powerful number that represents change and new beginnings. For many people, getting a 555 tattoo is a way to start fresh and make positive changes in their lives.

Whatever the reason may be for getting this tattoo, it is sure to be a reminder of the wearer’s connection to the angelic realm.

4. Major Life Change

A 555 tattoo is a popular choice for those seeking a permanent reminder of a major life change.

The number 5 is often associated with change, and the triple 5 design represents the idea of change on a grand scale. For many, a 555 tattoo is a way to mark a significant event such as quitting smoking, getting sober, or leaving an abusive relationship.

It can also be a symbol of hope and renewal after experiencing a major setback or challenge. Whatever the reason, a 555 tattoo is a powerful way to commemorate a major change in one’s life.

5. Transformation

The 555 Tattoo is a powerful symbol of transformation.

In many cultures, the number 5 is associated with change and new beginnings. The 555 Tattoo represents the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It reminds us that even when we feel lost or stuck, we always have the potential to start anew.

The 555 Tattoo also signifies the importance of balance in our lives. Just as a day cannot exist without night, we need both light and darkness to thrive. By honoring both sides of ourselves, we can achieve a greater sense of harmony and well-being.

Whether you are looking to make a major change in your life or simply seeking a reminder to stay open to possibility, the 555 Tattoo can be a beautiful and inspiring choice.

555 Tattoo meaning

6. Sign of Positivity

A 555 tattoo is a sign of positivity and good luck.

In most cultures, the number 5 is associated with good fortune and luck. In Chinese culture, the number 5 is considered to be very auspicious. In Japanese culture, the number 5 is also considered to be very lucky. The number 5 is also considered to be lucky in the Hawaiian culture.

The 555 tattoo symbolizes all of these positive things. It is a reminder to always stay positive and to be grateful for the good things in life. The 555 tattoo is also a reminder that no matter what life throws your way, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.

So, if you are ever feeling down or lost, just remember that a 555 tattoo is a sign of hope and positivity.

7. A New Path

A 555 tattoo is more than just a piece of art, it is a way to express a new path and show the world who they are.

For some, it is also a way to signify a new beginning. The 555 tattoo is one such symbol. traditionally, the number 5 has been associated with change and new beginnings. In Chinese culture, the number 5 is considered to be lucky, as it represents the five elements of nature: fire, water, earth, air, and wood.

In the Western world, the number 5 is often seen as a symbol of balance and harmony. For this reason, the 555 tattoos can represent a new chapter in someone’s life. It can signify a fresh start after overcoming a difficult situation or making a major life change.

Whether you’re starting a new job, moving to a new city, or simply taking your life in a new direction, the 555 tattoos can be a powerful reminder to stay positive and stay on course.

8. Blessings

The 555 Tattoo can also be seen as a symbol of blessings.

The 555 Tattoo is a very popular design that has a lot of meaning behind it. In many cultures, the number 5 is considered to be a lucky number. It is often seen as a symbol of good luck, health, and prosperity. The number 5 is also seen as a symbol of protection. In some cultures, it is believed that the number 5 can ward off evil spirits.

The 555 Tattoo can also be seen as a symbol of blessings. In many religions, the number 5 is seen as a holy number. It is often used to represent the 5 pillars of Islam or the 5 wounds of Christ. For Christians, the number 5 represents the five wise virgins from the parable in Matthew 25:1-13.

The 555 Tattoo is a very popular design that has a lot of meaning behind it. In many cultures, the number 5 is considered to be a lucky number. It is often seen as a symbol of good luck, health, and prosperity. The number 5 is also seen as a symbol of protection.

In some cultures, it is believed that the number 5 can ward off evil spirits. The 555 Tattoo can also be seen as a symbol of blessings. In many religions, the number 5 is seen as a holy number. The 555 Tattoo is a very popular design that has a lot of meaning behind it.

In many cultures, the number 5 is considered to be a lucky number. It is often seen as a symbol of good luck, health, and prosperity.

555 Tattoo meaning

9. Protection

The 555 Tattoo is a symbol of protection.

It is derived from the story of a young woman who was attacked by a man with a knife. She managed to fight him off and survive but was left with a large scar on her stomach. After she healed, she had a tattoo artist create a tattoo that covered the scar.

The design of the tattoo was inspired by the police badge number 555, which is the code for protection. The woman chose to have the tattoo placed on her stomach so that she would always be reminded of her attack and how she overcame it.

The 555 Tattoo has since become a popular symbol of strength and resilience, and is often used to represent the idea of ” never giving up.”

10. Higher Power

The 555 Tattoo is a symbol of Higher Power.

Higher power can be interpreted in many ways, but most commonly it refers to a deity or other supreme being. The number 5 is often associated with strength and stability, so the 555 Tattoo represents the power and protection of a higher being.

It can also represent wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. In many cultures, the number 5 is seen as a lucky number, so the 555 Tattoo can also be seen as a badge of good luck. Whether you interpret the 555 Tattoo as a symbol of Higher Power or as a lucky charm, it is sure to bring you strength, stability, and protection.

11. Connection to The Divine

There are many different tattoos that can symbolize a connection to the divine, but the 555 tattoo is particularly special.

The number 5 is a powerful symbol of protection, and it is often used to represent the five elements of nature: earth, fire, water, air, and spirit. When these elements are combined, they create a strong connection to the natural world and the forces that shape it.

In addition, the number 5 is also associated with change and new beginnings, making it a perfect symbol for those who are seeking a deeper connection to the divine. By getting a 555 tattoo, you are not only showing your connection to the natural world, but you are also declaring your intention to pursue a spiritual path.

Whether you view the divine as a higher power or as the energy that flows through all things, a 555 tattoo can be a beautiful way to express your beliefs.


555 tattoos can mean a variety of different things, depending on the wearer’s personal connection to the number. For some, it is simply a lucky number. Others may see it as a sign of change. No matter what the meaning is, the 555 tattoo is a beautiful design that is sure to make a statement.

If you are considering getting a 555 tattoo, be sure to research the different meanings and find the one that best suits your individual connection to the number.

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